Phone sex sex toy
enjoy your phone give someone an orgasm
Harnessing the vibrations produced by your phone and
concentrating them directly on the area they are appreciated
most, this is the first time in history you have been able to
" touch" your partner without being in the same town, city
or state! This is a revolution in sexual relations!

+ $5.95 AIRMAIL shipping WORLDWIDE!


* Christmas presents
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* That someone you know that is always on their phone!

Four fabulous colours!

aqua blue lavendar pearl pink shimmer violet shimmer

>> Pay by Cheque or Money Order - Buy Now!

Pay by Credit Card : Butterfly - Click Here to Add to Cart <<
Click on the link above to add a butterfly styled phone sex toy to your shopping cart.
When you are finished you can click the "Checkout" link below or on the top right of the nav bar

inside the shopping cart system above where it says "total".

Butterfly colour range ?

>> Pay by Cheque or Money Order - Buy Now!

Pay by Credit Card : Phildo - Click Here to Add to Cart <<
Click on the link above to add a dildo styled phone sex toy to your shopping cart.
When you are finished you can click the "Checkout" link below or on the top right of the nav bar

inside the shopping cart system above where it says "total".

Phildo colour range ?

>> Pay by Cheque or Money Order - Buy Now!

>> Checkout - Buy Now

We ship worldwide via airmail and all our products are in discreet cardboard packaging for your privacy.

>?NEXT : How It Works



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